About Us

Thank you for your interest and Welcome to Kinderground!


The idea of a fun learning preschool in West Jakarta based on a well-balanced Singapore curriculum system is truly inspired by all parents. 

We believe that curiosity is the first step of learning.


One of the most critical stages of development and learning is from birth to five years old. That’s when the brain grows really fast. That is the reason why we introduce a fun learning concept to attract children and to acquire invaluable social skills through play, role-play, and show and tell.


With a balance between play and school readiness with caring and dedicated experienced teachers, our children can grow up to be confident, resilient and caring for the environment and the people around them.


Together, we work towards a common goal, and that is to expand the children’s knowledge and develop their innate skills by discovering their unique individuality.


So do not be surprised if your child tells you they had fun in school and played all day because happy learners are the best learners.

Please come and take a look around our school or call us today to arrange a free trial class!


Thank you


Vision and Mission

“To inspire happy and engaged learners to reach their greatest potentials. To develop curiosity and eagerness of lifelong love of learning. To enable our children to be ready and confident for primary school and ready for life”


Our Mission

  1. Shaping generations filled with passion for life and instill values of compassion, respect, discipline and perseverance for our children.                                         
  2. To encourage positively, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses, making room for mistakes and nurturing wholeheartedly.

Why Kinderground ?

  1. Hands-on Learning
  2. Frequent Monitoring of Learning & Teaching
  3. A Safe & Nurturing Environment
  4. Educated, Attentive & Caring Teachers
  5. Fully Equipped with Facilities

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